2014 – 140th Anniversary of St. Nicholas’ Church

On Sunday 28th September at the 10.30 service, an All Age Family Service was held to celebrate our Church’s 140th Anniversary.  The Bishop of Warrington, Rt. Rev’d Richard Blackburn, celebrated with us by presiding over the service and giving the sermon.  As well as our St. Nicholas’ congregation, our uniformed groups, Toddler Church members and other church groups, we welcomed representatives from local churches, and members of the Royal Navy Association.

The Church Choir along with the St. Nicholas’ Singers Community Choir opened the serivce with Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria‘, followed by the congregation singing the opening hymn ‘The Church’s One Foundation‘, sung at the first service ever held in St. Nicholas’ Church in 1874.  The combined choirs also sang John Rutter’s anthem ‘For the Beauty of the Earth’.

Three young members of our church spoke about why their church is so important to them.

IMG_20140928_121310578Max said:What I like about my church is its child friendliness; we have lots of children at our church ranging from new born to high school!  It’s OK for children to be themselves, may run around and make a noise (like my little brother does!!!) No one gives you funny looks!  It’s a great way to make new friends from different shcools.  I love being in the church choir, we have lots of laughs and fun praising God through singing and rewards along the way!  I really like that pr church and school are connected in this ways like 3F4U, school services and Janet, our Vicar, taking school assemblies.  We all get together for special events, e.g. Quiz Nights, BBQs and buffet lunches like today, our 140th Birthday”.

IMG_20140928_121416401_HDRAmy said:My church means fun, making new friends and being closer to God. It is important for my community, learning about other people and places.  It is a time when I take my eyes off my tablet computer.  I love to learn about God”.

photo-13Grace said: ” The Church is a massive part of my life. Ever since I was a baby of a few weeks old I have been attending week by week. My mum was the Vicar of the church until she died in 2011. I was baptized here and I want to be confirmed this year.   I love  St Nicholas’ Church because it is such a beautiful building and a wonderful place to be.  I enjoy all the activities that I have the chance to go to as it helps me learn more about God and what an amazing God He is”.

photo-10Adam, was also asked to talk about his family’s decision to join the church family at St. Nicholas’.  This is what he said: “Having been asked to speak about the future of St Nicks, I thought I’d first say a little about why we are part of that future. When we moved into the area only a year ago, we looked for a place to worship, but also a place that we felt offered not just the presence of God, but also a real sense of the family of Christ. This was something we felt almost as soon as we walked into St Nick’s. A Family has history, knows something of its past, but also looks to the future. And we can see and hear the future of our church family all around us, as we remember that a church is not the building, but the people inside it. Our church’s future runs, shouts, stamps and says “Amen” very loudly (often just before or after everyone else). And, our church’s future is bound up in each and every human being in our family, no matter what label they may be given. Although those labels may be helpful shortcuts in explaining things, they never limit the wonderful potential of God’s creation, nor diminish the worth or contribution of one of God’s children. So, what does the future hold for St Nicks? It holds the promise of the realization of the potential of our dual families, both personal and in Christ”.

For more photos of this Anniversary occasion go to Gallery of Events

An Anniversary Exhibition to celebrate 140 years of the church’s life, people and events is now on display at the back of church until November every Sunday .  The Exhibition can also be viewed on our church’s ‘Public Open Days’.