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St. Nicholas’ Church Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is on Sunday 28th April, starting immediately after the 10.30 am service. The APCM minutes (held in April 2023), the Annual Accounts and Reports fye 2023. and the APCM’s Agenda are available below.

Everybody is welcome to attend, please do come along and have your say. If you would like to stand for the PCC or as Churchwarden, please speak to Beth, Lesley or Anne in advance.

Spread the word, we would like a huge collection from far and wide representing as much of our community from the last 150 years as we can find. It’s going to be brilliant!   Thank you! Beth

God’s church is made up of his people.  The Bible tells us ‘Like Living Stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house’.  So this year we celebrate 150 years of God’s amazing love and faithfulness to the people of his church.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to open the church doors each week? Gas, electric and many other essential overheads? The cost of living is rising for the church and we have a shortfall of £350 per week just to keep the church doors open; and that’s without any developments in mission and maintenance of our beautiful church. Can you help? Go to stnicholasblundellsands.org/leave-a-legacy/ for more information and see the ways in which you may be able to donate. Your help is so much appreciated from all here at St Nicholas Church, Blundellsands. We are here for all in the community and welcome you all.

Rev Beth Anderson (Vicar) – Tel: 07734 088 039 Email: bethaanderson68@hotmail.com

Parish Administrator: stnicspa@gmail.com. Tel: 0151 352 8893 on Wednesday mornings or leave a message at any time.


O God of all hope and peace, we bring to you the needs of our broken and hurting world.
Our hearts are breaking with images of lives lost and torn apart by grief in Israel and Palestine.
We pray for an end to violence and warfare so that the challenging work of rebuilding may begin.
Help us, O Lord, to affirm our common humanity so that in our differences we may build together for justice and peace.
In Jesus Christ, our Lo

O God, we pray for all the children of Abraham in Israel and Palestine and in every country of the world.
We pray for Muslims, Jews and Christians that we will draw on the best of our traditions to guide us away from words and acts of division and discrimination so that everyone may be free to live in safety.
Protect the vulnerable, strengthen the fearful and comfort the grieving.
In Jesus Christ, our Lord.