Mission and Outreach

As part of St. Nicholas’ Christian mission outreach and giving, our church regularly supports other national and overseas based charities. 

CMS – CHURCH MISSION SOCIETY www.cms-uk.org   Reg. Charity No: 1131655 Our CMS Mission Partner is Stephen Hatch, is working in Tanzania and who was ordained there as deacon in December 2021. He says ‘Imagine if your education had to stop after primary school. How different would your life be? In Tanzania, to proceed to government-provided secondary education, pupils must pass primary school exams. Many pupils fail these. About 80 per cent of children attend primary school but only 25 per cent make it to secondary school – a huge gulf in learning. Such children, most of whom are academically capable, need a secondary education, and I am helping to provide this at St John’s Seminary, transforming the lives of one of the most vulnerable elements within Tanzanian society’.

THE CHILDREN’S SOCIETY – www.childrenssociety.org.uk – Reg. Charity No: 221124.  A UK based charity that assists street children, disabled children, young refugees, and children in trouble with the law.  St. Nicholas’ support includes our Annual Christingle Service on Christmas Eve, where Christingle Collection Boxes are distributed through the school children and within the church. We hold occasional cake bakes and other fundraising events.

Our Christingle on Christmas Eve 2021 held outside in the church garden.

CHRISTIAN AID – www.christianaid.org.ukReg. Charity No: 1105851. Christian Aid is an international development charity. They work with people, of all faiths and of none, in around 50 countries, to eradicate poverty.  An annual gift donation is made each year in May during ‘Christian Aid Week’.

SOUTH SEFTON FOOD BANK: www.southsefton.foodbank.org.uk is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 food banks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK. St. Nicholas’ has a collection point at the back of church and food is passed on to the Food Bank.  For many years our Harvest food donations have been given to the South Sefton Food Bank for distribution.