Musical Heritage – The St. Nicholas’ Singers – Community Choir

During the following 12 years, the choir introduced and funded Annual Community Music Festivals with the St. Nicholas’ Singers traditionally performing the first concert in the Church’s week-long Music Festival’. Their music repertoire included mostly sacred choral works – Faure’s Requiem, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Vivaldi’s Magnificat  Pergolesi’s Magnificat, and Maunder’s Olivet to Calvary to name a few. The choir has enjoyed many weekends away performing in cathedrals up and down the country, (and on one occasion, performed a concert in Ghent, Belgium). ~The choir has also supported many local parish churches, particularly St Nicholas’ which is where the choir has been associated and originated.  Other venues included CHET and Jospice in Crosby.. See Photo Gallery

The Community Choir is now based at St Helen’s Church in Crosby where it rehearses every Wednesday from 7.30pm – 9.00pm and has been renamed ‘Crosby Community Choir’.